University-level Scholarly Books
- Rami, I, Maingi, S.W. and Gowrensukaar, .V.G.B. (2024) Tourism Safety, Security and Resilience Integrated Community-Based Approaches, Routeledge, Taylor & Francis, London: UK. ISBN: 9781032766911 Assessed through:
- Maingi, S.W., Gowrensukaar, .V.G.B. and Korstanje, M., (2024) Tourist Behaviour in the New Normal, Volume II: Implications for Sustainable Tourism Development Springer Nature Publishing, Switzerland Assessed through:
- Maingi, S.W., Gowrensukaar, .V.G.B. and Korstanje, M., (2024) Tourist Behaviour and the New Normal, Volume I: Implications for Tourism Resilience, Springer Nature Publishing, Switzerland Assessed through:
- Korstanje, M., Gowrensukaar, .V.G.B. and Maingi, S.W. (2023) Tourism in Crisis. Nova Science Publishing, New York, USA. Assessed through:
- Gowrensukaar, .V.G.B., Maingi, S.W., Roy, H. and Micera, R. (2021) “Tourism Destination Management in a Post-Pandemic Context: Global Issues and Destination Management Solutions” (With foreword by Prof. Maximilliano Korstanje), Emerald Group Publishing, London: UK. ISBN: 9781800715127. Accessed through:
- Korstanje, M., Séraphin, H., & Maingi, S. W. (2022) “Tourism through troubled time: Challenges and opportunities of the tourism industry in 21st century (With foreward by Prof. Claudia Seabra), Emerald Group Publishing, London: UK. ISBN: 9781803823126 Assessed through:
- Gowrensukaar, .V.G.B., Maingi, S.W., Mingate, F.L. (2022) “Management of Tourism Ecosystem Services in a Post Pandemic Context: Global Perspectives” (With foreward by Prof. Hugues Seraphin) Routeledge, Taylor & Francis, London: UK. ISBN: 9781032248080 Assessed through:
Refereed Journals
- Seraphin, H. and Maingi, S.W. (2023), “The Luxury yacht market and sustainable brand image: the case of Sunreef, Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
- Kimunio, I. and Maingi, S.W. (2022), "A Markov regime-switching (MS) approach to modeling the effects of fiscal policies and COVID-19 pandemic on tourism destination competitiveness in Kenya", Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights, ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
- Maingi, S.W. (2021) “Safari tourism and its role in Sustainable Poverty Eradication in East Africa: Case of Kenya”, Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes,13 No. 1 pp. DOI: 10.1108/WHATT-08-2020-0084
- Odeny, J. A., Maingi, S.W. and Kurauka, J (2020) “The role of procurement procedures in environmental management: A case study of classified hotels in Mombasa County, Kenya" Journal of Hotel and Tourism Management, 2020, Vol. 8, No. 1: 11-23. UDC: 338.48-6:502/504(676.2) DOI: 10.5937/menhottur2001011A
- Maingi, S.W. (2019), "Sustainable tourism certification, local governance and management in dealing with overtourism in East Africa", Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, 11 No. 5, pp. 532-551.
- Barak, M.W., Maingi, S.W. and Ndubi, E.O. (2019) “The influence of place identity on destination competitiveness in Machakos County, Kenya”. African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, Volume 8 (5) pp. 1 -20 ISSN: 2223-814X
- Maingi, S.W., Wadawi, J and Ondigi, A (2015) “Market profiling and positioning of park brands in Kenya. (Case of Premium and Under-utilized parks in Kenya)”. International Journal of Tourism Research, 18: 91-104. DOI: 10.1002/jtr.2036.
- Maingi, S. W., Wadawi, J and Ondigi, A (2014) “Towards a Competitive framework for Park branding in Kenya (Case of Premium and Under-utilized parks in Kenya)”. J Tourism Res Hospitality, 2014 3:2. DOI: 3:2
- Akama, J, Maingi, S.W. and Carmago, B.A. (2011) “Wildlife Conservation, Safari Tourism and the role of Tourism Certification in Kenya: A post-colonial critique”. Tourism Recreation Research. 36 (3); 281-291.
- Odunga, P and Maingi, S.W. (2011) “The Wildlife Tourism Market to Kenya (2002-2003)”. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, Vol28, Issue 1, 2011. DOI: 10.1080/10548408.2011.535444.
- Mbuthia, S and Maingi, S.W. (2010). “The influence of ethnicity on leisure pursuits and tourism behavior of Somali immigrants in Leeuwarden, Netherlands”. Journal of Hospitality Management and Tourism Vol1 (10), pp. 1-11, July 2010. Available online: http://academic ISSN 2141-6575.
Book Chapters
- Séraphin, H., Korstanje, M. and Maingi, S.W. (2024) Spare the Child, Spoil the Long Term Sustainability of the Tourism Industry: What Does That Mean for the Tourism Area Life Cycle (TALC)? In: Butler, R. (eds.) The Tourism Area Life Cycle: Review, Relevance and Revision, Channel View Publications.
- Gowreesunkar, V.G., Maingi, S.W., Korstanje, M.E. (2024). Introduction: The Interplay Between Tourism Resilience and Sustainability in the New Normal. In: Maingi, S.W., Gowreesunkar, V.G., Korstanje, M.E. (eds) Tourist Behaviour and the New Normal, Volume II. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
- Maingi, S.W., Gowreesunkar, V.G. (2024). Tourism Decolonization, Geopolitics, and Degrowth: A Theoretical Case for Tourism Sustainability in East Africa. In: Maingi, S.W., Gowreesunkar, V.G., Korstanje, M.E. (eds) Tourist Behaviour and the New Normal, Volume II. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
- Korstanje, M.E., Gowreesunkar, V.G., Maingi, S.W. (2024). Conclusion: Tourist Behavior in the New Normal and Its Implications on Sustainable Tourism Development: Emerging Realities, Tensions and Prospects. In: Maingi, S.W., Gowreesunkar, V.G., Korstanje, M.E. (eds) Tourist Behaviour and the New Normal, Volume II. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
- Seraphin, H., Maingi, S.W. and Korstanje, M. (2023) Being here, being there: eating and drinking together as a socially constructed issue In Lestar, T., Pilato, M.M. and Seraphin, H. (eds.) Eating Together in the Twenty-first Century Social Challenges, Community Values, Individual Wellbeing, Routeledge, Taylor & Francis. Assessed through:
- Gowreesunkar, V.G., Maingi, S.W. and Cooper C. (2023) Tourism policies for the next normal: Trends and issues from global case studies In Morrison, A. and Buhalis, D. (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Trends and Issues in Global Tourism Supply and Demand Routeledge, Taylor & Francis. Assessed through:
- Kimutai, C.J., Mutwiri, N.M. and Maingi, S.W. (2023), "Digital Financial Transformation and Legal Environment for Sustainable Tourism Development in East Africa", In Saini, A. and Garg, V. (Ed.) Transformation for Sustainable Business and Management Practices: Exploring the Spectrum of Industry 5.0, Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 175-186.
- Odemba, K and Maingi, S.W. (2023) East African Tourism Policies Review and Crisis Preparedness in Pandemic Situations In Korstanje, M.E., Gowreesunkar, V.G.B. and Maingi, S.W. (eds.) Tourism in Crisis. Nova Science Publishers, New York, (USA) ISBN: 979-8-88697-643-4
- Maingi, S.W. and Gowreesunkar, V.G.B. (2023), "Childhood Family Events, Memories, Nostalgia and Sustainability Discourse: Conceptual and Theoretical Perspectives", In Seraphin, H. (Ed.) Events Management for the Infant and Youth Market, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 25-38.
- Gowreesunkar, V.G.B. and Maingi, S.W. (2023), "Organising Events With Children With Disabilities at ANPRAS (Mauritius): Insights and Implications", Seraphin, H. (Ed.) Events Management for the Infant and Youth Market, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 197-207.
- Maingi, S.W. and Wachira, H.M. (2022), "Digital Skills and Tourism Workforce Recovery in the Post-COVID-19 Pandemic Era: Case of Small and Medium-Sized Tourism Enterprises (SMTEs) in Nairobi, Kenya", Korstanje, M.E., Seraphin, H. and Maingi, S.W. (Ed.) Tourism Through Troubled Times (Tourism Security-Safety and Post Conflict Destinations), Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 21-38.
- Maingi, S.W. and Gowreesunkar, V.G. (2022), "Child Rights and Inclusive Sustainable Tourism Development in East Africa: Case of Kenya", Séraphin, H. (Ed.) Children in Sustainable and Responsible Tourism, Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 143-157.
- Gowreesunkar, V.G., Mohanty, P.P. and Maingi, S.W. (2022), "Children as Ambassadors in Sustainability Initiatives of ANPRAS, Mauritius", Séraphin, H. (Ed.) Children in Sustainable and Responsible Tourism, Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 171-188.
- Maingi, S.W., Mingate, F.L.M. and Gowrensukaar, .V.G.B., (2022) “Sustainable Cultural Ecosystems Services and Community-based Tourism (CBT) models Post COVID-19 pandemic within Aberdares Conservation Area and National Park, Kenya” In, Gowrensukaar, .V.G.B., Maingi, S.W., Mingate, F.L. (2022) “Management of Tourism Ecosystem Services in a Post Pandemic Context: Global Perspectives” (With foreward by Prof. Hugues Seraphin) Routeledge, Taylor & Francis.
- Gowrensukaar, .V.G.B., Maingi, S.W., Mingate, F.L.M.(2022) “Status of the Tourism Ecosystem Services: Marking more realities” In, Gowrensukaar, .V.G.B., Maingi, S.W., Mingate, F.L. (2022) “Management of Tourism Ecosystem Services in a Post Pandemic Context: Global Perspectives” (With foreward by Prof. Hugues Seraphin) Routeledge, Taylor & Francis.
- Gowrensukaar, .V.G.B., Maingi, S.W., Mingate, F.L.M.(2022) Management of Tourism Ecosystems Services Post Pandemic – Looking ahead In, Gowrensukaar, .V.G.B., Maingi, S.W., Mingate, F.L. (2022) “Management of Tourism Ecosystem Services in a Post Pandemic Context: Global Perspectives” (With foreward by Prof. Hugues Seraphin) Routeledge, Taylor & Francis.
- Gowreesunkar, V.G., Maingi, S.W., Roy, H. and Micera, R. (2021), "Introduction: Destination Management Solutions Post Pandemic: A Need of the Hour!", Gowreesunkar, V.G., Maingi, S.W., Roy, H. and Micera, R. (Ed.) Tourism Destination Management in a Post-Pandemic Context (Tourism Security-Safety and Post Conflict Destinations), Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 1-7.
- Gowreesunkar, V.G., Maingi, S.W., Roy, H. and Micera, R. (2021), "Conclusion: Rebuilding Tourism Post Pandemic: Some Reflections on Destination Management Solutions!", Gowreesunkar, V.G., Maingi, S.W., Roy, H. and Micera, R. (Ed.) Tourism Destination Management in a Post-Pandemic Context (Tourism Security-Safety and Post Conflict Destinations), Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 329-334.
- Maingi, S.W. (2020) Mainstreaming Over-tourism Education for Sustainable Behavioural Change in Kenya’s Tourism Industry Context. In Hugues, S., Gladkikh, T and Thanh, T.V. (2020) Overtourism: Causes, Implications and Solutions (1st Ed), Palgrave MacMillan. eBook ISBN 978-3-030-42458-9; Hardcover ISBN 978-3-030-42457-2; DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-42458-9
- Maingi, S.W. (2018) Tourism and Event Management Trends and Policies: A Regional Approach. In Hugues, S., and Korstanje, M. (2018) International Event Management: Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice (1st Ed) ISBN: 987-1-53613-664-7
Reviewed Conference Papers
- Maingi, S. and Mingate, F.L.M. (2021) Community Resilience Models for conservation of cultural ecosystems services and tourism management post COVID-19 pandemic in park-adjacent communities within Aberdares National Park, Kenya. Paper Presented in the International Congress of Rising Trends in Tourism by the Necmettin Erbakan University in cooperation with the Municipality of Konya between 30 September 2021 to 02 October 2021. https://sempozyum.erbakan.edtr/ICETT/en/s/768/0
- Mugito, R., Maingi, S and Mutinda, R (2018) Commitment A Sustainable Pillar of Customer Relationship and Its Influence on Guest Loyalty A Source of Competitive Advantage. EuroCHRIE, 2018.
- Fimber, A.S. and Maingi, S.W. (2015) Paper presented on Leisure and Tourism determinants in Lafia, Hasarawa State, Nigeria. ATLAS Africa Conference 1015 on Tourism and Inclusive Growth in Developing Economies, Dar es salaam, Tanzania, 3-5 June, 2015.
- Maingi, S.W. and Ondigi, A (2015) Presented a paper on “Tourism destination branding effectiveness in a developing country context. International Interdisciplinary Business-Economics Advancement Conference (IIBA) held between 28th March – 2nd April 2015 in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, USA.
- Maingi, S.W (2014) Presented Paper on The Efficacy of Park Branding in Influencing Choice Behaviour of Tourists to Kenyan Parks during the 29th Kenyatta University Post Graduate Seminar held on Friday 5th December 2014.
- Maingi, S.W., Ondigi, A, Wadawi, J (2012) The roles of Destination brands in influencing choices of Wildlife-based Tourists in Kenya. 43rd TTRA annual conference and PhD Colloqium held in Virginia, USA June 17-19 2012
- Odunga, P and Maingi, S.W. (2011) Choice, Expenditure and Satisfaction of International Tourists in Kenya: A Structural Equations Modelling Approach presented at the 7th ORSEA Conference 2011 held at the Kenyatta International Conference Centre (KICC) Nairobi, Kenya on the 13th and 14th October 2011.
Conference Organization
Reviewed Conference Papers
- Maingi, S. and Mingate, F.L.M. (2021) Community Resilience Models for conservation of cultural ecosystems services and tourism management post COVID-19 pandemic in park-adjacent communities within Aberdares National Park, Kenya. Paper Presented in the International Congress of Rising Trends in Tourism by the Necmettin Erbakan University in cooperation with the Municipality of Konya between 30 September 2021 to 02 October 2021.
- Mugito, R., Maingi, S and Mutinda, R (2018) Commitment A Sustainable Pillar of Customer Relationship and Its Influence on Guest Loyalty A Source of Competitive Advantage. EuroCHRIE, 2018.
- Fimber, A.S. and Maingi, S.W. (2015) Paper presented on Leisure and Tourism determinants in Lafia, Hasarawa State, Nigeria. ATLAS Africa Conference 1015 on Tourism and Inclusive Growth in Developing Economies, Dar es salaam, Tanzania, 3-5 June, 2015.
- Maingi, S.W. and Ondigi, A (2015) Presented a paper on “Tourism destination branding effectiveness in a developing country context. International Interdisciplinary Business-Economics Advancement Conference (IIBA) held between 28th March – 2nd April 2015 in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, USA.
- Maingi, S.W (2014) Presented Paper on The Efficacy of Park Branding in Influencing Choice Behaviour of Tourists to Kenyan Parks during the 29th Kenyatta University Post Graduate Seminar held on Friday 5th December 2014.
- Maingi, S.W., Ondigi, A, Wadawi, J (2012) The roles of Destination brands in influencing choices of Wildlife-based Tourists in Kenya. 43rd TTRA annual conference and PhD Colloqium held in Virginia, USA June 17-19 2012
- Odunga, P and Maingi, S.W. (2011) Choice, Expenditure and Satisfaction of International Tourists in Kenya: A Structural Equations Modelling Approach presented at the 7th ORSEA Conference 2011 held at the Kenyatta International Conference Centre (KICC) Nairobi, Kenya on the 13th and 14th October 2011.
Conference Organization
Consultancy and Project Reports
- Maingi (2016-2021) Pre-qualified Peer Reviewer, Commission for University Education
- Maingi et al (2016) - PIC and Ecotourism Kenya Assessor: Ecotourism Kenya/ AWF/ Royal Netherlands Embassy, Nairobi, Kenya: National Green Destination Guidelines Project .
- Manyara, Maingi & Mutinda (2010) UNECA-SRO Study on Sustainable Tourism in the East African region: Challenges and Opportunities for Tourism Development. UNECA
- Maingi, et al (2009) Wildlife Management and Biodiversity Conservation Training Programme for Government of South Sudan (GOSS) Wildlife and Tourism Officers held on 24th December 2009 at the KWS Training Institute in Naivasha
Non-Reviewed Conference Papers
- Maingi, S.W. (2021) “Models of Governance in Kenya: Tourism, Climate change and Community resilience”. Paper presented in the ICOMOS Scientific Symposium 2021 on Living Heritage and Climate Change held on 9th and 10th November 2021.
- Maingi, S.W. (2021) “ICT and Innovation in Sustainable Tourism”. Paper presented in the IUCN Commission on Education and Communication in collaboration with Wildlife Clubs of Kenya Virtual Conference on Conservation and Tourism for improved livelihoods held on 11th and 12th February 2021.
- Maingi, S.W. (2020) “Opportunities and Challenges facing Sport Tourism Development, Marketing and Management in East Africa”, Paper presented in the University of Tukuba -KU- Joint Symposium by The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Nairobi Research Station: International Research Symposium in Partnership in Sports and Development for Tomorrow held at Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya Date: 3rd March 2020 Venue: KUBSSC
- Maingi, S.W. (2020) Paradigms of Sustainable Tourism models in Africa Post COVID-19. Paper presented on the 6th Edition Webinar on Strategic Revival Challenges for Tourism and Hospitality Industry Post COVID-19 African Perspective. Amity Institute on Travel and Tourism.
- Maingi, S. (2020) EAC Integration and Optical Communication Networks: How can EAC harness Broadband access to fast-track integration of Trade and Tourism, Paper presented at the East Africa Fibre Optics Conference and Exhibition held on the 23rd and 24th May 2017 at the Radison Blue Hotel, Nairobi.
- Ondigi, A. & Maingi, S. (2013) Brand Consolidation and Strategy: The Economics of Brand Consolidation in East Africa. Hotel Summit East Africa Nairobi, Kenya August 2013
Refereed Exhibitions and Performances
- Appointed School Exhibitor, Kenyatta University 13th Annual Career week 2020. Our exhibition stand was identified as one of the best stands by the organizers of the event.
Short communication in Journals
- Gowreesunkar VG, Maingi S.W., Roy H and Micera R. (2022) Rebuilding tourism post pandemic – Policy recommendations from global case studies [version 1]. Emerald Open Res 2022, 4:2 (document)
- Maingi, S. W. and Ondigi, A (2017) Sustainability of Kenya’s Park Branding initiatives and its Impacts on Recreational Park Choice in Kenya. EA. Sustainable Tourism Report Issue No. 6. 2017, pp 21-29. ISSN: 2409-1901
Journal Editor
Editorship of a Book
- Maingi, S.W., Gowrensukaar, .V.G.B. and Korstanje, M., (2024) Tourist Behaviour in the New Normal, Volume II: Implications for Sustainable Tourism Development Springer Nature Publishing, Switzerland Assessed through:
- Maingi, S.W., Gowrensukaar, .V.G.B. and Korstanje, M., (2024) Tourist Behaviour and the New Normal, Volume I: Implications for Tourism Resilience, Springer Nature Publishing, Switzerland Assessed through:
- Korstanje, M., Gowrensukaar, .V.G.B. and Maingi, S.W. (2023) Tourism in Crisis. Nova Science Publishing, New York, USA. Assessed through:
- Gowrensukaar, .V.G.B., Maingi, S.W., Roy, H. and Micera, R. (2021) “Tourism Destination Management in a Post-Pandemic Context: Global Issues and Destination Management Solutions” (With foreword by Prof. Maximilliano Korstanje), Emerald Group Publishing, London: UK. ISBN: 9781800715127. Accessed through:
- Korstanje, M., Séraphin, H., & Maingi, S. W. (2022) “Tourism through troubled time: Challenges and opportunities of the tourism industry in 21st century (With foreward by Prof. Claudia Seabra), Emerald Group Publishing, London: UK. ISBN: 9781803823126 Assessed through:
- Gowrensukaar, .V.G.B., Maingi, S.W., Roy, H., and Micera, R. (2021) “Tourism Destination Management in a Post-Pandemic Context: Global Issues and Destination Management Solutions”, Emerald Group Publishing, London: UK. ISBN: 9781800715127. Accessed through:
Scholarly Presentations at Conferences/ Workshops/ Seminars
- 2022 – Guest and Keynote Speaker during the University of Nairobi Research Week 2022 (NRW-2022) from 24th to 28th October 2022.
- 2022 – Guest Panelist at the Magical Kenya Tourism Expo (MKTE 2022), organized by the Kenya Tourism Board, Kenya Date: 5th – 7th October 2022
- 2022 – Guest Speaker at the 3rd International Conference on Tourism, Hospitality and Sustainable Development Goals, Organized by the National Institute of Tourism and Hospitality Management, India Date: 16-19 February 2022
- 2021 – Online Guest Speaker at the Anant International University on “Talk on Employability” Virtual Lecture held on 22nd September 2021
- 2021 – Guest Speaker at the 9th WAELE Africa International Peace Summit based on the theme “Understanding our diversity: Catalyst for Peaceful Coexistance & Sustainable Development held virtually on 30th October 2021
- 2021 – E-workshop on the African Migration Policy Framework for Africa: The AfCFTA as a Catalyst for Free Movement of People in Africa by the African Union Economic, Social and Cultural Council (AU – ECOSOCC) in Collaboration with the GIZ mission to the African Union on Thursday 24 June 2021 at 12 PM GMT via Zoom.
- 2021 – Online Guest Lecture at the International School of Hospitality, Sports & Tourism Management, Farleigh Dickson University, Vancouver Campus entitled, “Sustainable Tourism Perspectives in Kenyan Context: Issues and Context” held on Monday, April 12, 2021 at 9.15 am (PST).
- 2021 – Alexandria University Webinar on Tourism and a New Challenging Era held on 16th March 2021. Presented a paper on “East Africa Tourism Recovery and Re-building Strategies in Post-COVID Era.”
- 2020 – Emerald Publishing Book talk with Editors and Authors held virtually on 22nd December 2020 by Emerald Publishing.
- 2020 – First International Virtual Conference on Tourism and Heritage Management, (IJVCTHM, 2020) Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Luxor University, Egypt. 1st and 2nd November 2020. Panel discussion entitled, “The way forward of Tourism sector Post COVID-19 pandemic.
- 2020 - International Webinar by Amity Institute of Travel & Tourism, Amity University, Kolkota: International Online Panel Discussion on Tourism & COVID-19: How to turn the crisis into an opportunity on 20th June 2020
- 2019 - GEG Africa/ South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA)/ Kenya Institute of Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA): Workshop on Coastal Tourism and Economic Inclusion in Indian Ocean RIM Association (IORA) States: Insights from the Kenyan Experience, held on Thursday, 23rd August 2019 at the Sarova Stanley Hotel, Nairobi.
- 2019 - School of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure Studies Workshop on Postgraduate Studies Guidelines Development held at Graduate School, Kenyatta University on Thursday 14th March 2019.
- 2018 - Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs (CBI): Conference on Sustainable, innovative and future oriented tourism development in Kenya in partnership with Gems of Kenya (GoK), Ecotourism Kenya (EK), The Kenyan Association of Tour operators (KATO), ABTA – The British Travel Association and Travelife. Held on Tuesday 19th and Wednesday June 20th, 2018 at the Tamarind Tree Hotel, Nairobi.
- 2018 - Kenya Utalii College: Invited as a Guest for the Award giving Ceremony for the National Tourism Competition (NTC) for the Hospitality and Tourism Industry held on 31st May 2018.
- 2016 - Ecotourism Kenya/ AWF/ Royal Netherlands Embassy, Nairobi, Kenya: Invited to unveil National Green Destination Guidelines Publication held at the Radison Blue Hotel in Nairobi, Kenya
- 2015 - Ecotourism Kenya: Invitation to the Green Destinations Guidelines Stakeholders Workshop held on 6th October 2015
- 2015 - GoK: FGD Invitation from Kenya Tourism Federation (KTF) on Single Tourist Visa awareness and challenges on 17th February 2015.
- 2014 - GoK: Workshop on Gender and Youth Mainstreaming in Tourism at the Milele Presbyterian Guest House and Conference Centre, South C. 30TH January 2014.
- 2012 - UNECA/ IGAD: Sustainable Tourism Master Plan Committee of Experts meeting in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on the 19th – 23rd June 2012
- 2012 - UNECA: United Nations Economic Commission in Africa Workshop at the Lycos Regency on the 9th June 2012 on Sustainable tourism development in Eastern Africa.
- 2012 - UNECA: United Nations Economic Commission in Africa Workshop on Sustainable tourism development in Eastern Africa Lycos Regency 9th June 2012
- 2014 - UNECA: Workshop on mainstreaming the role of youth and women in sustainable tourism development in Kenya. Kisumu February 2014
- 2014 - UNECA: Workshop on mainstreaming the role of youth and women in sustainable tourism development in Kenya. Mombasa March 2014
- 2014 - GoK – MEACTT: Workshop on mainstreaming the role of youth and women in sustainable tourism development in Kenya. Nairobi March 2014
- 2012 - GoK: Tourism stakeholder workshop on Positioning Tourism and Hospitality in Kenya’s Socio-economic agenda (Vision 2030) Kenyatta University 6th and 7th March 2012
- 2012 - UNECA: United Nations Economic Commission in Africa Workshop on Sustainable tourism development in Eastern the Lycos Regency on the 9th June 2012
- 2009 - Kenya Wildlife Service: Wildlife Management and Biodiversity Conservation Closing Ceremony for Government of South Sudan (GOSS) Wildlife and Tourism Officers held on 24th December 2009 at the KWS Training Institute in Naivasha
Book review in Reputable Publishers
- “COVID-19 and Tourism Sustainability: Ethics, Responsibilities, Challenges and New Directions” by Routeledge Taylor & Francis Group (November 27, 2020)
Paper review
- Journal of Tourism Management Perspectives
- Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes Journal
- African Journal of Sustainable Tourism
- KIPPRA External reviewer